Streamlined Marketing
and Accurate Sales Analysis

Manage your Sales and Marketing strategies through BizSol’s apt ERP solutions.

For seamless Sales and Marketing processing, BizSol’s ERP solutions are the best in the market!

BizSol’s ERP Solutions for Marketing & Sales

Marketing and sales-related transactions are interlinked and often require real-time updates to function efficiently. BizSol’s ERP solutions help client companies in various aspects of marketing and sales right from order acceptance to the fulfilment of the same.

Sales Campaign: Our ERP systems begin with the proper planning of a sales campaign. In the process, we simplify every stage of execution to save time and cost of production while also maintaining quality.

Sales Analysis: BizSol’s ERP systems work through the sales pattern to understand changes with respect to region, season, product cost, product type, different times of the years and such several other aspects to present you with accurate sales analysis.

Customer Analysis: Analysing and understanding changes in the customer experience and their purchase patterns with respect to the changes made in the product.

Marketing Strategies: ERP systems systematically assess the demand from the market and accordingly update the company's sales department whether to increase/decrease the production or maintain it. Thereby the sales department can inform the production department on the same.

Advertisements: Areas with lower sales are targeted, and arrangements for product advertisement here are done.

Inventory Optimisation: Advance sales estimation which in turn helps in making balanced capital investments without constrains

Sales Transaction: Maintaining transaction history chronologically

Assessment of Orders: When it comes to processing orders obtained from the clients, our ERP makes sure to maintain continuity in an organised manner.

Tracking Orders: Records and keeps track of every detail of the orders

Organisation: Scheduling orders on a day-to-day basis

Shipment Processing: Initiation of shipping details and up keeping of same

Invoice and Receipts: Invoice creation and maintenance

Cost-Effective Measures: In manufacturing and distribution businesses, BizSol’s ERP system helps in optimising the efficiency of the sales and supply chain costs.

Sales: Sales control which includes expenses and discounts

Order procurement: Processing of goods purchase

Quality Check: Assuring the quality of the procured order

Call to Action:

Tired on frenzy management of marketing and sales transactions? Get to BizSol’s credible ERP solutions and experience the smooth and practical changes in your company!

Organised Material
Management and Purchasing

Simplify your work through BizSol exceptional ERP solutions in material management and purchasing.

Update to the BizSol’s ERP solutions to avail efficient material management and purchasing services.

BizSol’s Material Management and Purchasing Services

Production businesses require a continuous supply of raw materials and other items for manufacturing end products. As per the market analysis, the demand is usually surpassing supply. To overcome this gap, BizSol’s ERP solution is the answer.

Inventory Planning: ERP systems analyse the requirement of raw materials for production purposes, and accordingly inventory listing is done. This helps in the unnecessary purchase of unwanted materials and proves to be cost-effective.

Warehouse Management: Based on the increasing market demand, companies can rent warehouses for the storage of both raw materials as well as finished goods. With lower demands, you can rent fewer warehouses and save rental costs. Our ERP software analyses all this.

Procurement of Materials: ERP manages timely arrangement of procuring require materials for production.

Procurement of Services: Apt and required workforce for the accomplishment of department-wise services.

Purchase Cost Analysis: Vendor enquires, quotation collection, raw material costs, rental costs, shipping prices and all such cost-related analysis are made to come up with effective budget implementation.

Analysis and Designing of Inbound Logistics: Designing, planning and integration of practical and feasible logistics details.

Invoicing: Managing invoices and receipts chronologically about purchases made, salaries paid, shipment charges, rentals and such.

Time Assessment: Assessment of the required time in fulfilling the supply chain. If assessed time is more, ERP software offers plausible cope up solutions.

Call to Action:

Why work at a low pace when there is such a huge demand for your product in the market? Choose BizSol’s ERP solutions to plan and manage your materials and purchases.

Precise and targeted
Production Planning

Accelerate your production with realistic and achievable goals using BizSol’s ERP solutions.

Plan and run your productions accurately with BizSol’s ERP solutions.

BizSol’s Production Planning

The core aspect of manufacturing businesses is production. With BizSol’s ERP solutions, you can outline your production arrangements realistically and efficiently. A proper implementation will yield a desired number of end products which in turn maximise sales and profit.

Production order management: Includes the planning of orders, printing order documents, printing shop floor order, sending requirements to the production unit, purchase of components, recording order status, the time required for production and such other aspects.

Production Scheduling: Planning the working hours of the industrial machinery as well as employees in the production unit.

Power consumption Estimation of power consumption to analyse and reduce it wherever unnecessary.

Material Consumption: Analysing the materials involved in the production and suggesting low-cost alternatives of the components involved without hampering the design, taste or functionality of the product.

Order Statistics: Difference in the actual and estimated cost in the production line is recorded for analysing materials used and time taken for production. Accordingly, for larger differences recorded, ERP solutions can be used for better production implementation.

Order Status Monitoring: ERP software monitors the status of order right from production to packaging, billing, shipping until delivering it to the customer. These are divided into active orders, released orders and completed orders for easier assessment.

Recording and Reporting Technical Faults: : This includes machinery issues, issues in raw materials, lack of materials for production, workforce requirements, space issues and all such aspects.

Call to Action:

Ditch the plans that slow you down. Pick BizSol’s ERP solutions and manage your production in practical and sensible ways!

Optimize Inventory
Control and Management

Control your inventory for maximum efficiency through BizSol’s ERP software.

Get BizSol’s ERP services for all kinds of Inventory control assistance!

BizSol ERP Solutions for Inventory Control

Inventory control involves several operations like management of capital, investing in production and services, balancing demand and supply chain, logistics and every such detail. With BizSol’s ERP solutions for inventory management, you can maintain a proper loop of all such aspects for appropriate product outputs and profits.

Investment of capital in raw materials: BizSol’s ERP software accurately determines the market demand for your product. Accordingly, it informs you of the capital investment requirements for increase or decrease in the next purchase of raw material stocks. This way, you can avoid over purchase (and save capital) or under purchase (and cancel out the difference in demand and supply chain) of stocks.

Stock Purchasing and Tracking: BizSol’s ERP systems let you know when it's time to purchase the next stock. It also produces a list of requirements, quotations, transport logistics, recording date of stock arrival, and many such associated works.

Accounting Management: For controlling the proper flow of invested capital, the project-based cost analysis must be done. Companies can make use of our ERP systems for accounting and detailing all project-based cost analysis for efficient budget management.

Stock Management: It is not about just buying random goods. Companies also require verifying the purchased stock, separate defective purchases made, return/exchange of defective items, and according approve payments. Our ERP software not only keeps track of all such dealing but even help you come up with exact settlement numbers.

Call to Action:

With BizSol’s ERP solution, you will never have to worry about your inventory loses. Call today to experience top-class ERP services from BizSol!

Flawless Management
of Finance and Accounts

Keep detailed track of all your incomes and expenditures with BizSol’s ERP system.

Now never miss your count- Choose BizSol’s ERP solutions and keep your accounts updated always!

BizSol’s ERP Finance and Accounts Management

Managing Company’s finances is a serious business. It includes several aspects like capital management, capital investment, keeping track of expenditures, incomes, rents and much more. We have designed our ERP system to help you manage all the above-mentioned items with high accuracy.

Accounts Administration:
Here the ERP system creates and maintains information regarding Tax, Finance books, Company Assets and such.

Banking Management:
Maintains data concerning transactions such as payments made, auto payments, cheques, banking settlements, cash settlements, account reconciliation and all other related items.

Production Expense Details:
Includes material costs, project costing, and production charges.

Defining, tracking and maintenance of expenditures such as warehouse rents, vehicle rents, electricity bills, machinery maintenance charges, telephone charges, internet bills, SMS notification charges, department-wise salaries, bonuses and others.

Payable Finances & Receivables:
Advance payments to suppliers, cargo charges, service charges, commissions paid, purchase invoices, freight invoices, commissions & invoices etc.

General Ledger:
Use our ERP to create and maintain a general ledger concerning different finance-related operations.

Sales Accounting:
Packaging charges, shipment charges, sold goods, returns accepted, maintaining receipts relating to sales made, etc.

Fixed Assets Management:
Yearly revaluation of fixed assets using user-defined guidelines.

Real-time Reports:
Our ERP system tracks, collects, assess, and creates reports in real-time for quick-decision making.

Call to Action:

Keeping track of the Company's finances is never an easy task. But with BizSol’s ERP solutions, you will never have to worry about accounting. For detailed information call us today!

Comprehensive Management
of Employees’ Payroll

Avoid bookish records and save space while also maintaining payrolls effectively through BizSol’s ERP!

Experience the power of BizSol’s ERP system for your Payroll management!

BizSol’s ERP solutions for Payroll Management

Different companies come with a different number of employees, working processes, employees' payments and all details. But one thing remains common in all these companies, and that is the management of the employees' payroll. This category includes components like salaries, deductions and such. With BizSol’s ERP solutions, you can easily keep track of all the details concerning your employees’ payroll.

Employee Personal File : Each employee is allocated a personal file through ERP. Here all details of employee’s information like name, phone number, address, date of birth, marital status, company joining date etc is maintained.

Employee Attendance Record: Here the ERP records employee’s everyday attendance and maintains it for further assessments.

Tracking Employees’ Leave and Overtime : This is maintained to keep a record of employees’ leaves like sick leave, festive leaves, casual leave, maternity leave, sabbatical (or study) leave and such. It also evaluates employees’ overtime duties to pay them accordingly.

Maintenance of Earnings: Recording and maintenance of each employee’s salary, bonuses, pay grades, and other benefits from each department of the company.

Generating Salary Slips: Auto-generation of salary slips every month of the workers.

Registering : Registers ESI, PF and other bonuses

Maintaining Employee Deductions: Deductions such as income tax, provident fund (PF), salary reduced, union dues and such is made and maintained through ERP system itself.

Documentation of Employee Policy: Creation and maintenance of employees’ policy records.

Employee Loan Records: This includes details like date of loan sanctioned, monthly interest deductions, completed EMIs, remaining EMIs etc.

Call to Action:

Tired of maintaining loads of untraceable payroll records? Choose BizSol’s ERP solutions to get systematic management of your employees’ payrolls and all associated details. Give us a call today!